Saturday, January 31, 2009

A couple of things.

First, I was in a preschool classroom the other day and a student noticed my ID. She said, "Is that what you really look like?" I replied, "That is what I used to look like" thinking yeah in the picture my hair is longer and a different color. Her response? "And now you are bigger" Then she skipped away. Yes, and now I am bigger. Great. Aren't kids so innocent and truthful?

The other thing I wanted to comment on is how frustrated I was until today. Between Monday and Tuesday I lost 2 pounds. Since then I have gone up, back down and maintained. I felt like I'm doing all this work for nothing. Today I stepped on the scale and I am down another 2 pounds. 4 pounds in a week isn't bad at all. Starting Monday I think I need to start weighing myself once a week, just for my own sanity.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Have I mentioned I hate getting dressed! UGHH! Nothing fits.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The first day of the rest of my life.

OK so I'm putting it out there, I'm fat. There I said it. I am officially in the obese category. I can't fit into my clothes. I hate the way I look in pictures. Genevieve needs better modeling of what healthy food is. And recently I went to Naturopath and he discovered that I am approaching being pre-diabetic. It's time to do something about it. A few months after Gen was born I was doing great. I was working out and watching what I eat. To my dismay I was not losing any weight! With the Holidays approaching I figured 'forget about it, I'll worry about it later'. Well later is here. My naturopath has put me on a plan for me to get healthy again and I started it today. I won't go into all the details, but the gist of it is that my plate should be 50%vegetables, 35% protein/fat and 15% or less starch. He also suggested that I walk 20 minutes a day. My plan is to walk 15 minutes before work, take two 15 minute walks at work and another 15 minute walk before bed.

So you may ask, Why blog it? I don't have time to go to a weight watchers meeting once a week. It helped going in once a week knowing that I would have to admit to someone else that I didn't do so hot this week. It also helped keep me motivated when I had successes and was noticed for it. So that is what I am hoping this blog will do for me. While I am ashamed to admit how much weight I have to lose I think it will really help me out. I would also appreciate words of encouragement, I know I will need them along the way. I'm not sure how frequently I will update it, but my goal is at least once a week.

Day 1
I weigh 175.4 (eeekkkk Scary numbers for sure)
I have selected a quote for today: "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." -Margaret Thatcher.
Anyone who is close to me knows that I have struggled with my weight since High School. Maintaining a weight I am happy with has never been easy for me. Today, I did very well with my meals, but I have to admit that I wanted to run to the store for that candy bar (explains how I got here in the first place huh?). I felt like maybe I was hungry, but I can't help but think that if I were at work I wouldn't even be thinking about it so it was probably just being home that was the trigger. I have drank my 80 oz. of water. I have walked 3 times today, and I am already noticing my shin splints are killing me (also a problem I have had since high school), but I'll just bear with it. I'll take a picture soon so we have something to measure the progress from. Hmmm I should probably take my measurements as well, oh joy! Anyways that's how I'm doing today.