Just so you know I haven't abandoned my weight loss goals, I've just been busy. I'm not posting my weight today because I didn't weigh myself. I went out for dinner for Valentines day and splurged a little. My naturopath says it is OK to splurge once or twice a week. Things I learned at my naturopath appointment.
1- I'm drinking too much water. Did you know there was such a thing? Apparently when you drink too much water it creates an imbalance in your salt levels and prohibits you from losing weight. This one blew me away because every time I try to loss weight I up my water intake. Funny huh?
2- Cooked carrots, corn and peas do not count as vegetables ( I knew about the corn).
3- I was taking my supplements all wrong and I shouldn't be drinking water with my meals because that dilutes the supplements.
4- He suggested I try "Grizzly Bear Runs" instead of all the walking I've been doing. This is where you run as fast as you can uphill for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. You do this for three minutes. I did this yesterday and I have to say I much prefer the walking but these runs are supposed to be better for you and more effective for weight loss and they only take 3 minutes!
5- My shin splint pain my also be attributed to my imbalance in salt and water.
I thought all of this was very interesting. He said I was doing a great job and if I keep it up the weight will come off. We'll see. I'm being very skeptical because I tend to lose weight pretty quick at first then I hit a plateau early.
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12 years ago
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